Interface to Cardiac Modelling software.
This application has its origins in the EC-funded Framework 7 preDiCT project (2008-2011), part of which was dedicated to the development of a VRE which would facilitate ease-of-access to computational cardiac modelling software.
Subsequent funding by the EPSRC and NC3Rs, and continued collaboration between Oxford University, the University of Nottingham (or rather, Gary) and the Safety Pharmacology groups of a couple of major pharmaceutical companies, have allowed the ongoing improvement of the application.
The original software is no longer running (as the old Java libraries are considered a security risk), however if you're interested in its successor (Docker, Python, node.js and whatnot) you can visit the AP-Nimbus portal at the University of Nottingham
Source code to the original web applications is in bitbucket and newer stuff in github.
Screenshot of the interface :
Linguistic Steganography demonstrator.
This application provides an insight into some of the techniques used in the field of linguistic steganography and was developed by Dr. Chang following her Ph.D. work in the subject whilst at Cambridge University.
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Screenshot of the interface :